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Know about the Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) and the Consequences of Advertising Below the MAP

Updated: Sep 27, 2022

When you decided to sell your manufactured products through several e-commerce portals, you may have come across the concept MAP, or Minimum Advertised Price, which is an important factor in preserving your brand's price and market image. MAP is intended to protect product manufacturers, but it might limit a retailer's ability to advertise such products.

Let us go into MAP in detail to provide you with a better understanding of it.

MAP or Minimum Advertised Price

The minimum advertised price (MAP) is the lowest price at which a retailer can offer a product for sale. To be clear, this is not the lowest price they can sell products for in their store, but rather the lowest price they can offer online or in an advertisement. For instance, suppose you have a MAP price of $100 for one product. You may not show a sale price lower than $100 in an advertisement. The guidelines are the same whether the advertisement is online or in print.

Consequences of Advertising Below the MAP

Advertising at or below the MAP (Minimum Advertised Price) might have huge consequences. For example, the manufacturer has the legal right to stop you from reselling their products in your shop. In certain situations, sellers have been known to seek the return of any co-op funds provided to the business during the period of the offense. As a result, the ideal approach is to recognize and adhere to MAP standards. It displays that you are a good partner and encourages the vendor or manufacturer to help you when you need it, such as returning the product if it does not sell.


If you are a manufacturer and want to adopt a MAP policy for your products and monitor the price to prevent price violations, you may contact a reputable MAP service provider that can provide you with a low-cost service with appropriate potential data at all times.

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